Coleman PTSA Membership and Family Sponsorships

By joining the PTSA, you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of their budget. You also get great discounts, locally and nationally. When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.




Membership is $15.00 per adult and $10 per student.


Community Business Sponsor Opportunities


Now, more than ever, Coleman Middle School PTSA would greatly appreciate your financial support with our only Fundraiser for the year. Your sponsorship will help assist our teachers and staff provide a positive and supportive learning environment for almost for almost 1100 students. Partnering with Coleman Middle School is a wonderful way to promote your business and be involved in our community.


Your donation will help Coleman PTSA supply technology, teaching materials, equipment, campus improvements and other supportive programs for our Coleman students and staff. To thank you for becoming a sponsor, we will display your business in various ways around campus, in our Coleman Chronicle e-newsletter, on our PTSA website and social media. We would love to feature your business and our families recognize and patronize the businesses that support our school. Our families also have children in our feeder schools of Grady, Mabry and Roosevelt Elementary as well as Plant High School


Your partnership is appreciated and truly makes an impact! We thank you in advance for your generosity and please click the link below to offer your support:


Become a Business Sponsor





When adults volunteer, all students benefit! There are many opportunities for parents and community members to get involved - give as much or as little of your time as you like. You aren't committing to anything by signing up here - we will contact you with specific opportunities that match up with your interests - no pressure! 





Questions? VP of Fundraising  Paula Barton